Rider Info
Rider Info
Guidelines for riders
Title vI document
Title vI Complaint Form
ADA Resources
10-15 Transit Vehicles are ADA compliant.
If you have any requests for modifications please fill out the respective form and send it our way.
ADA Reasonable Modification
Frequently Asked Questions
8am-4:30 pm
Exceptions: Major holidays
Please call at least 24 hours prior to time you would like to schedule a trip.
Name, Date, Address of pickup, Address of drop-off, Mobility type.
If you have a medical appointment, please provide the appointment time.
Fixed route buses are $1 each way with the options of $2 day pass and $25 monthly pass.
Door-to-door services are $2 each way.
Anybody! We are transportation for the public!
No. We are by appointment and driver availability.
No. For everyone’s safety, we are a door-to-door only service.
8am-4:30 pm
Exceptions: Major holidays
Please call at least 24 hours prior to time you would like to schedule a trip.
Name, Date, Address of pickup, Address of drop-off, Mobility type.
If you have a medical appointment, please provide the appointment time.
Fixed route buses are $1 each way with the options of $2 day pass and $25 monthly pass.
Door-to-door services are $2 each way.
Anybody! We are transportation for the public!
No. We are by appointment and driver availability.
No. For everyone’s safety, we are a door-to-door only service.